Online PREP Course Gives You the Skills (and Confidence!) to Become a Certified Firearms Instructor 

and Start Your Firearm Training Business

VIDEO: Become a Certified Firearm Instructor

3 Steps to Become a Certified Firearm Instructor:

  • Enroll in this interactive online prep course and get the skills and confidence you need to get certified
  • Complete all lessons inside this course at your own pace (usually about 6 to 8 hours!)
  • Find a local in-person training workshop (we can help!)

This Online Prep Course Helps You Ace Your Instructor Certification Program and Have Complete Confidence - to Become the Best and Safest Shooter in Your Entire Class

Enroll Now to Get Access To The Most Powerful Instructor Training Prep Course For Only $67

Yes, I Want to Become the Best New Instructor in My Certification Course!
Online Training. Web-based. No installation or download is required.

Zero risk. 100% Money Back Guarantee If You Don't Pass Your Certification Class the First Time
Time Until the $67 Discount Expires:

Dear Future Certified Instructor,

My name is Andy the Gun Guy, Certified Training Counselor and Firearm Business Mentor.

I'm glad you are here...

It means you are looking to advance the 2nd Amendment while earning big-league income as a Certified Instructor.

All Secrets to Passing Your Cert Class Revealed

After training over 30,000 students in concealed carry and training over 500 new Certified Instructors, I realized that most of my new instructor students had the same problem.

People who wanted to become instructors were not confident enough to get started!

Hitting a target at a shooting range is one thing.

But passing the Firearm Instructor Certification Class is extremely difficult - and will most likely be the hardest qualification shot you've ever made.

In order to pass the certification class, you need to be able to put a minimum of 16 rounds within a 6 inch grouping.

That doesn't sound too tough, right?

Here's the catch.

You need to be able to make that shot from 15 yards away.

Here's an accurate picture of what the target looks like from 15 yards away.
That target is literally a standard 8.5"X11" printer paper.

From this distance, you can barely see the paper - and you definitely cannot see the bullseye.

At this distance, if you're not shooting absolutely perfectly, your shot won't even hit paper - let alone land in the required 6 inch grouping.


...if you don't shoot perfectly yourself... can you possibly instruct?

Is This You?

If you're reading this and feeling unsure about even TRYING to become an Instructor now, or you feel nervous about the difficult process, you're not alone.

…Not sure about your current shooting skills?

...Not sure you can get to a point where you can pass such a difficult course?

...Not sure if you'll pass your instructor training course the first time?

Some people feel terrified or exhausted just reading this, I know.

If this is you, it’s not your fault. 

Unless you have extremely advanced training, nobody really teaches perfection in shooting.

I Made the Qualification Process So Easy That Even My 8 Year Old Can Make This Shot - So You Can Too!

My Online Instructor Prep Course is the undeniable choice for future instructors who want to become the top 1% of shooters - AND instructors - in the country.

If you want to outshoot your friends every single time you go shooting...

...if you want to be able to shoot a nickel from a distance so far you can barely even see it...

Then sign up for my "All-In-One" online training platform built to perfect your shooting.

The clean and simple online training dashboard helps you get through the course without distraction and without the need for multiple different subscriptions to multiple different learning tools that really only cause more confusion (and cost!) and less accomplishment.

The best part…

There is zero tech skills required. 

Get Unlimited Access For Just $67... 

(That's Less Money Than You'll Earn from Teaching Your FIRST Student!)

The second best part (ok, maybe the best!).

This Certified Instructor Prep Course can now be yours for about the cost of lunch (for a limited time) and you will have LIFETIME access with no monthly fees.

No brainer, I know.

This online training is THE differentiator between future instructors that thrive and pass their instructor program with a breeze, and future instructors that waste time and money struggling and stressed out during qualification.

This is how you win the game...

Get access to my Certified Instructor Prep Course right below for a one time fee of only $67.

See you inside!
~ Andy

Actual Instructors Giving Their First Classes:

Yes, I Want to Become the Best New Instructor in My Certification Course!
Online Training. Web-based. No installation or download required.
Zero risk. 100% Money Back Guarantee If You Don't Pass Your Certification Class the First Time
Time Until the $67 Discount Expires:
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